We just received a letter from our funding agency (DFG) stating that our application for a new confocal microscope was fully accepted! So finally FLIM will be available in our imaging facility @MIAP_Freiburg. Thanks to all anonymous reviewers and DFG for the support.
Congratulations, Nikolaj!
A great story from the lab of Katharina Markmann (Tübingen, Germany) was just published in Science. Nikolaj Abel, PhD student in our team and co-author on the paper, contributed experiments as an MSc student to this work, where they demonstrate that miR2111 regulates the symbiotic repressor TOO MUCH LOVE. It functions as a hub during ‘autoregulation’, a pathway that balances the number and success of rhizobial infections in correspondence to the nitrogen status of the plant. Congratulations to Nikolaj and the rest of the team!