We greatly appreciate to be able to contribute with our EM expertise to the newest paper from Olaf Groß’ lab (Metabolism and Inflammation Research Group, Medical faculty), a true collaborative paper within our Cluster of Excellence CIBSS. Congratulations to the first author Emilia Neuwirt and all other co-authors.
Neuwirt E, Magnani G, Ćiković T, Wöhrle S, Fischer L, Kostina A, Flemming S, Fischenich NJ, Saller BS, Gorka O, Renner S, Agarinis C, Parker C, Boettcher A, Farady CJ, Kesselring R, Berlin C, Backofen R, Rodriguez-Franco M, Kreutz C, Prinz M, Tholen M, Reinheckel T, Ott T, Groß CJ, Jost PJ, Groß O (2023)
Screen for inflammasome activators identifies tyrosine kinase inhibitors that cause lysosomal damage and cell lysis to activate NLRP3
Science Signalling; 17(768):eabh1083 (open access)